Tuesday 5 July 2011


I love pig livers. It was my of my favourite dishes from my mum's cooking. She would cooked lots of magical dishes out of pig livers - pig liver soup, pig liver congee with pork mince meat, stir fried pig liver with ginger and spring onion, etc.

Although liver is a concentrated source of high cholesterol, liver is an excellent, very concentrated source of high-protein, vitamins and minerals. Liver provides the most concentrated amount of vitamin A of all food sources. One of the few natural sources of vitamin D, liver is also an excellent source of all the B vitamins particularly B12, copper, vitamin C and trace minerals. It can be used in the prevention and treatment of a variety of nutrient deficiency illnesses.  Pork liver contains the highest amount of iron too.

I love to buy my livers in Chinatown instead of supermarkets like in Asda or Morrison. You can really see the difference of freshness of the newly slaughter in Chinatown then those in supermarkets where it was keep in the display counter for ages and it is so much bright red colour instead of dark red or purplish. Thus, it is so much cheaper in Chinatown and the piece is much bigger too.

  • Rinse the whole liver once to get the traces of blood clean. Cut it to thin slice but not too thin or else it will cooked very fast and become old and hard to chew.
  • Heat up a pot of kettle to blanch the slice livers first. There is no need to blanch for too long, about 5 - 10 seconds will do. Let it stays raw. By the act of blanching, it will get rid of some impurities from the meat and help a bit to eliminating the smell from the liver.
  • To cook it, do it very quick. Heat up the cooking oil in a pan / wok on high heat and saute chopped garlic and slice gingers until aromatic. Add the slice liver, stir-fry it.
  • Add in the seasoning :-
1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce
3 tablespoon of soy sauce
2 tablespoon of sugar
1 tablespoon of salt
2 teaspoon of sesame oil
2 tablespoon of oyster sauce
dashes of white pepper
generously of Brandy / Chinese wine
  • Stir-fry just a little more with fast movement. Heat off and it will let the remaining heat in the pan / wok to further cook it but dish it up once it is done to let the liver remain tender. In here, I just add some broccoli to add up the sparks of colour.

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